Pre-Commercial Procurement of Innovative Triage Management Systems Strengthening Resilience and Interoperability of Emergency Medical Services
Suppliers can publish in this section what they can offer for the specific tender opportunity. The offer will be used by other suppliers as basis for the establishment of cooperation and consortia.
Public Safety Hub (PSH)
The Public Safety Hub (PSH) platform enables the seamless exchange of information between federated systems of different organizations. The PSH improves the cooperation of emergency services, volunteer organizations and citizens for the effective management of events. This is even more important because when coping with larger mass casualty incidents, when processes between the operating task forces must be harmonized and synchronized. PSH is available as a backend solution, linking different backend applications (HIS, EMS, etc.), as well as a edge-based solution, enabling the integration of services on-site in a resilient way in flexible wireless network environments.

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Austria , Vienna
AT-Biotech is a Spanish Company based in Madrid, born in 2013. It develops traceability solutions for healthcare, with a deep inside in the Blood sector. Our products are used in Blood Establishments, hospitals and Biobanks. We monitor about 17% of all the blood bags in Spain. Our Rhesus solutions have over 3.000 users.

Spain , Madrid
skylife Artificial Intelligence triage system (sAIts)
Skylife Engineering has a multitude of successful cases of multi-sector Digital Assistants in which we incorporate Industry 4.0 technologies as IoT technology for multiporpose. A portable, unobtrusive and supportable healthcare artificial intelligence system, embedded , with the capabilityby means wearable devices, in order to assist both non-medical personnel and medical/emergency personnel in decision-making process, during natural disasters/terrorist attacks first aid care in extreme isolation environments. sAIts will assist in decision making by training Artificial Intelligence algorithms with real health data and monitoring key vital signs (Respiratory Rate, Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Pulse Oximetry and Body Temperature) via wireless sensors with real-time monitoring. Based on Industry 4.0 technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Internet of Things (IoT), the assistant will have the ability to guide and advise at all times on what steps medical personnel should follow to ensure the best possible healthcare, following the criteria of clinical guidelines defined by the Simple Triage And Rapid Treatment, START procedure.

Spain , Sevilla
Digital Triage, Victim Tracking & Monitoring and Interoperable Information Sharing
ICCS develops, prototypes and tests in collaboration with Medical Emergency and Civil Protection Agencies across Europe and in the context of H2020 INGENIOUS and H2020 NIGHTINGALE projects (coordinated by ICCS), a Digital solution for Victim Tracking including 3D printed digital tag (NFC and Bluetooth enabled, Triage Status - LED) combined with vital sign monitoring sensors, Mobile Application (configuration of tag, victim information/photos, victim tracking – GPS), Database and Data Distribution System (REST-API and EDXL-TEP compatible) and a Map-enabled Web Application/Dashboard. ICCS is also experienced in Embedded and Wearable Device Design and Development (incl. integration of vital sign sensors), integration of legacy systems, mobile/web applications development, interoperable communications and AR applications (mobile and glasses). In this context, ICCS has also significant expertise in developing interoperability frameworks and middleware solutions facilitating the efficient and secure sharing of information between different agencies and systems. ICCS is also active in related standardization activities (Chairing CEN Workshop Agreement on "Requirements for acquiring digital information from victims during Search and Rescue operations“ – H2020 STRATEGY)

Institute of Communication and Computer Systems - I-SENSE Group
Greece , Zografos
Bilbest Bilişim
Bilbest Bilişim, an international company specializing in innovative solutions for health informatics, has profound expertise in large-scale software development, interoperability among diverse e-health systems, data analytics, mHealth applications, chronic disease management, and clinical decision support systems, and EHR/PHR. Bilbest has developed Turkey's National EHR System (aka. e-Nabız), which is the world's largest smart EHR application with over 60 million active users and has integrated it into all health institutions at the national level. Besides, Bilbest is a pioneer in Electronic Medical Records with its product, Hospital Information System (HIS), which has been used by various large-scale hospitals since 2003. Bilbest, one of the inventive organizations using big data tools and artificial intelligence engineering in the e-health domain, has also achieved great success in national and international high-scale e-health R&D projects for the last 20 years. Some of our outstanding R&D projects are: - HSMonitor PCP (2020-2021) - Horizon 2020, Grant Agreement No. 856698 - eCare PCP (2021 – 2022) - Horizon 2020, Grant Agreement No 856960 - HeKDisco-Healthcare Knowledge Discovery (2020-2024) - ITEA 4 Eureka R&D&I Cluster

Bilbest Bilişim
Turkey , Istanbul
Wearin' Situational Awareness Solutions
Wearin' core competence is to capture and process multi-source real time data to provide line of command with secure information specifically designed to improve the protection and coordination of field personnel. In that regard we have the following specialties: - Design specific electronics and develop the according firmware - Source and Integrate sensors that provide needed measurements - Develop algorithms that make sense out of diverse data sources and deliver exactly the information that is needed - Securely send, store and manage data in the Cloud - Develop the relevant applications that allow to visualize the situation (or integrate with third party's already available visualization platforms) Wearin' is particularly involved in delivering solutions for First Responders and was closely involved in the Domino SFX exercise funded by the European Union this Spring: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y80y8q_xN34. Wearin' could be a major contributor to the Innovative Triage Management Systems thanks to its unique capability to integrate different types of sensors while developing the intelligence that allows to automatically provide useful real time information. More information on www.wearin.tech and www.conextivity.com

Conextivity Group SA
Switzerland , Morges
PhST Medical
PhST Medical was founded by an academician who is an expert in disaster medicine and pre-hospital emergency health services and a mechanical engineer who is an expert in health informatics. The company carries out R&D studies aiming to help save more lives. For this purpose, company focuses on developing training materials and simulators for prehospital emergency care services, equipment for improving quality of CPR practices and increasing resuscitation success, a drug and resource management system in prehospital emergency care services and a decision support system in mass casualty triage practices.

PhST Medical
Turkey , İzmir
Technology Systems and Services International SRL
We are experts in development and implementation of Emergency Systems, Hospital Management systems, Triage Management Systems and 112 Emergency Response Support System. We have. developed and integrated this type of systems in multiple countries. We have implemented an Ambulance System in Romania that connects the ambulances personnel with the Triage Emergency Units of all national hospitals to support the triage process, linking it also to the 112 national Emergency Response Support System which provides additional information for cases that were reported to the 112 unique emergency number. We have experience in Horizon 2020 projects implementations and results exploitation and we consider ourselves a valuable partner for this opportunity. For partnership/consortium cooperation, please contact us at [email protected]

Technology Systems and Services International SRL
Romania , Bucharest
APUS Software GmbH
APUS stands for a digital future of trust and confidence, for ethical digitalization, for software products and services that make peoples's lives better. We are IT experts for cross-plattform development and complex, fail-safe systems. Well-grounded experience concerning the needs and requirements of emergency and healthcare services. In addition to its own products, Apus Software develops individual software solutions in various areas.

APUS Software GmbH
Austria , Tobelbad
Secure and Reliable Emergency Management Information System (SeREMIS)
SeREMIS is an IT Solution based on beHIT Telemedicine portal and the unique interoperable clinical data architecture (GlobalEHR). beHIT takes advantage of existing market products used for triage and ICU patient monitoring. The unique data architecture enables secure streaming connection based on HLS aes-128, interoperability FHIR - OpenEHR - IEC13606 on clinical data, in the field AI supported solution.

Spain , barcelona
Emergency Management App & Platform for EMS (EMpp)
Where many crisis and incident management systems are mainly focused on the work in a dispatch or the tactical and strategic coordination echelons, the Emergency Management App & Platform (EMApp) fills the gap that prevails at the operational level: First Responders, Incident Commanders, Crisis Managers, Casualty Clearance Officers, etc. EMApp is a one-stop shop for coordination, information sharing and reporting. With EMApp you save time on calls and messaging during an incident or event and even more time with reporting. This way your field operatives can stay focused on their task at hand: saving and reducing the impact on lives and livelihoods. EMApp helps you share information with colleagues from your own organisation and also external organisations in an intuitive way with minimum loss of time, whether it is mapping resources, plotting casualties, checking lists, making notes and communicating with team members. All that is necessary for sharing information and coordinating an incident more effectively and efficiently is available in this one non-burdening tool. Consequently, eliminating the need to switch between different tools and reducing communication over two-way radio's. Yet EMApp goes one step further. After the incident, you still have to sit down for hours to work on your report. This app already logs all notes, plots, actions, etc made in the app or Command Center Module (CCM), so you can generate and print an overview of the incident/event at any time. Obviously, it is also possible to add details to this report in retrospect. The CCM also operates as a web-based admin module providing you with complete control of the users and features in EMApp. EMApp is developed to be used as a daily tool and not just during critical situations and therefore abides by a crisis management rule, that 'if done rarely, then it’s rarely done well!'