Announcement closed

Pre-commercial Procurement of innovative ICT-enabled Integrated Care Solutions to Advance Multidisciplinary Health and Care for Patients with Chronic Heart Failure

This PIN provides early information about the expected starting date and purchase volume for a pre-commercial procurement (PCP), and about the open market consultation that is currently in preparation of this procurement. More information about the upcoming open market consultation is provided in section II.2.14). Within the framework of the INCAREHEART project, the procurement aims to procure R&D services in the form of a solution that provides innovative ICT-enabled integrated care solutions to advance multidisciplinary health and care for patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). The procurement is intended to address the unmet needs of the procurers in relation to various aspects (building blocks) of continous management and seamless transitions of care for CHF patients: (a) early diagnosis and anticipatory care; (b) care and follow-up; (c) living with heart failure.

Submissions will be accepted in English only.

Deadline for submitting offers: Date: 7/04/2022

Tender Issuer
Jämtlands Läns Landsting

Tender Summary
Tender Status
Contract Type
CPV Code

€ 3,720,000
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