Announcement closed

Pre-commercial Procurement of Innovative ICT-enabled Monitoring to Improve Health Status and Optimise Hypertension Care

Via contract notice 2020/S 162-395132 a consortium of procurers led by Ministry of Health Turkey (MOH) launched an open tender procedure to purchase R&D services from a number of R&D providers in parallel. The aim was to compare competing alternative solution approaches to address the HSMonitor challenge. The procurement was announced to be in the form of a pre-commercial procurement (PCP) with a phased approach, i.e. a framework agreement covering 3 R&D phases: solution design, prototyping, original development and validation and testing of a limited set of first products or services. This notice announces the tenderers which offered the best value-for-money solutions and which were offered a specific contract for phase 1 of the PCP.

Submissions will be accepted in English only.

Deadline for submitting offers: Date: 13/11/2020

Tender Issuer
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Sağlık Bakanlığı

Tender Summary
Tender Status
Contract Type
CPV Code

€ 692,062
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