"Solution / Elevator pitchHelpDoctorDE offers individual access to medical professionals 24h per day from each place on theworld via app using telemedicine solution for each patient (emergency and permanent regularvisits) via Smartphone or PC.HelpDoctorDE’s application is like the “Uber” for medical professionals and patients, enabling thebooking of visits, realization of prescriptions, rental of medical equipment available 24h per day.The general idea of our product is to give customer the best individual and easy access to themedical care as possible and safety feeling that they can take care for their loved once from eachplace on the world. We have built entire engine for HelpDoctorDE, it has functionality ofgeolocalization, customer scoring and marketing communication using interfaces for payments andapplication server in the cloud.Description• 24-HOUR ACCESS TO SPECIALISTS: DOCTORS AND NURSES• INTEGRATED INTERNET PLATFORM CONNECTING PATIENTS WITH, FIRST CONTACTDOCTORS, NURSES, PHARMACY NETWORK, MEDICAL EQ..."